Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP/Agile Universe 2002: Second XP Universe and First Agile Universe Conference Chicago, IL, USA, August 4-7, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) Ebook

Descriptions Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP/Agile Universe 2002: Second XP Universe and First Agile Universe Conference Chicago, IL, USA, August 4-7, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) PDF

Download Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP/Agile Universe 2002: Second XP Universe and First Agile Universe Conference Chicago, IL, USA, August 4-7, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

The second XP Universe and ?rst Agile Universe brought together many p- ple interested in building software in a new way. Held in Chicago, August 4–7, 2002 it attracted software experts, educators, and developers. Unlike most c- ferences the venue was very dynamic. Many activities were not even well de?ned in advance. All discussions were encouraged to be spontaneous. Even so, there were some written words available and you are holding all of them now. We have collected as much material as possible together into this small volume. It is just the tip of the iceberg of course. A reminder to us of what we learned, the people we met, and the ideas we expressed. The conference papers, including research and experience papers, are rep- duced in these proceedings. Forty-one (41) papers were submitted. Each subm- ted paper received three reviews by program committee members. The program committee consisted of 40 members. Papers submitted by program committee members were refereed separately. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD