One on One 101: The Art of Inspired and Effective Individualized Instruction Ebook

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Download One on One 101: The Art of Inspired and Effective Individualized Instruction

The prevailing reality is that good educators do the tangible things well. Great educators also do the intangible things well. One-on-One education is packed to the brim with intangible moments that we can identify, hone in on, and master. When educators or parents work with students at a One-on-One level, challenges often arise. Knowing a subject does not necessarily mean one can teach it, let alone teach it effectively and inspirationally. So many factors, strategies, and actions combine to make exceptional One-on-One instruction. "One-on-One 101" is the authoritative roadmap to mastering the art of individualized instruction. The original learning form is One-on-One, beginning when a child first looks to a parent for guidance. The most coveted learning form is also One-on-One, as schools struggle with increasing class sizes and move towards newer models of teaching, such as “flipped” and blended learning. These emerging models demand a comprehensive definition of what transcende . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD