Success on the Middle Level SSAT: A Complete Course Ebook

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Please note - A newer edition of this book is now available, published in August 2017. You can find it easily by searching for either 978-1680590005 (the ISBN #) or 1680590006 (the ASIN #).

This book provides a complete course for preparing for the Middle Level SSAT. Instruction is comprehensive for both the strategies and content that students need to ace the Middle Level SSAT. Success on the Middle Level SSAT includes vocabulary lessons that ask students to categorize words and derive meanings from roots so that they can handle anything on test day. This book also includes math content lessons that explain what concepts will be tested, as well as how these concepts will look on the actual SSAT. In addition, there is a very detailed section that provides strategies and drills for the reading section of the test. As a bonus, there is also advice for the unscored writing sample that students will have to produce on test day. Whether you are a family looking for a book to use

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