Pass The New Citizenship Test Questions And Answers: 100 Civics Questions In Flash Card Format Epub

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Prepare for success! on the 100 civics questions and answers section of the U.S. citizenship test!
This book (English Edition) is designed for quick and easy review and focuses on the 100 official questions and answers announced by USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services).
This inexpensive and conveniently sized book presents the 100 Questions and answers in two different formats: 1 - In regular Question/Answer format, and  2 - In a graphical flash card format (with the question on a simulated graphics card on one page and the answer on a simulated graphics card on the following page).
Included also are a list of state capitals and lists of important web addresses (for the names of your US Senators, Governors, US Representatives, and the USCIS web page).
Check out also our bilingual editions in Spanish and Chinese!

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