New Oriental: TOEFL vocabulary selection TPO(Chinese Edition) Ebook

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Paperback. Pub Date :2014-06-01 Pages: 408 Language: Chinese. English Publisher: Xi'an Jiaotong University Press. New Oriental: TPO TOEFL vocabulary featured a comprehensive collection of TOEFL TPO appear in existing core vocabulary. the word combination in the exam The usage and meaning in Chinese. Interpretation and used with induction. and provide a lot of practical examples to help candidates with Context deepen their understanding of words and memories. Each master words are given a lot of derivatives and synonyms to help candidates effectively expand vocabulary and consolidate core vocabulary of candidates for understanding and grasp. New Oriental: TPO TOEFL vocabulary featured TPO also summarizes the terminology that appears to help candidates targeted for memorizing. In addition. New Oriental: TPO TOEFL vocabulary selection in all the core vocabulary are equipped wit... . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD